Schéma du microcathéter Rayflow CARDIO_H_51indd 1030 CNCH CARDIO H N°51 21 Dysfonction microcirculatoire ETUDE DE LA FONCTION MICROCIRCULATOIRE PAR THERMODILUTION CONTINUE DANS UN MINOCA La température va donc diminuer jusqu'à atteindre un état stable qui démontre l'homo généité du mélange sang/sérum physiologique AThe RayFlow™ catheter also allows to inject saline or medication in the vasculature The coronary angiogram detects only 5% of the total coronary tree The RayFlow™ catheter explores the remaining 95% RV RayFlow_Mise en page 1 1548 Page 1 140cm 250 mm (RX) Ø 084 mm (252F) 0014'' (036mm) Ø 067 mm (1F) The Rayflow ™ catheter measures the Over this wire a dedicated coronary infusion catheter (RayFlow HexaCath, Paris, France) was advanced to position the lateral infusion holes in the first 2 centimeters of the coronary artery A second, 0014‐inchcoronary wire (Runthrough, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan) was placed in the contralateral vessel to stabilize the guiding outside of the left coronary artery The epicardial
Pdf Thermodilution Based Invasive Assessment Of Absolute Coronary Blood Flow And Microvascular Resistance Quantification Of Microvascular Dys Function
Rayflow catheter